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WVU Shared Research Facilities


Overview of Services

The West Virginia University Shared Research Facilities (WVU SRF) are fee-for-use research laboratories offering shared access to high-end equipment to promote multidisciplinary research. The SRF is comprised of four research cores spread across the Evansdale and Downtown campuses. The constituent cores are:

  1. BioNano Research Facilities
  2. Cleanroom Facilities
  3. Electron Microscopy Facilities
  4. Materials Characterization Facilities

Each core is led by a Ph.D. level subject expert who provides technical expertise as well as operational and technical leadership. New users require relevant trainings before access to the facilities. SRF staff also provide services to run experiments for a fee.

For details, visit

See the complete list of WVU SRF instruments and rates at WVU SRF Instrumentation List.

Bio-Nano Research Facilities

  • The WVU SRF BioNano Research Facilities (BNRF) facilitate research at the intersection of biology and nanomaterials. Its featured instrument is a Thermofisher Scientific Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometer equipped with UHPLC, a top-end analytical instrument for proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics. BNRF also provides user friendly instruments such as a CD spectrometer and a spectrofluorometer for biological sample structure characterization, identification, and quantitation. BNRF includes a cell culture facility located on the WVU downtown campus to assist cell culture-related research projects. BNRF was launched in 2012 with funding from the National Science Foundation EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Cooperative Agreement #1003907, WVEPSCoR of the West Virginia Division of Science of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and the WVU Research Office. 

    See the complete list of WVU Shared Research Facilities instruments and rates at WVU SRF Instrumentation List.


  • The WVU Shared Research Facilities offers a suite of Cleanroom Facilities for micro- and nano-fabrication of functional materials and devices in two locations on the WVU Morgantown campus. The locations, equipment, and isntruments include:

    • Cleanroom in 414 White Hall consists of one class-1,000 room and one class-10,000 room. This suite of labs consists of 1160 square feet of clean space and accompanying support areas. These facilities are capable of photolithography, deposition, MBE, and wafer dicing

    • Cleanroom in G75B Engineering Sciences Building is the key laboratory for fabricating electrical and photonic devices. This suite of labs consists of 2,100 square feet of clean space and accompanying support areas. The clean spaces include class-100, class-1,000 and two class-10,000 rooms. These facilities are capable of photo- and e-beam lithography, wet chemical processing, metallization and deposition, reactive ion etching, thermal processing and sample packaging.

    See the complete list of WVU Shared Research Facilities instruments and rates at WVU SRF Instrumentation List.

Electron Microscopy Facilities

  • The WVU SRF Electron Microscopy Facilities (EMF) is located in the Engineering Sciences Building (ESB) on WVU's Evansdale Campus in Morgantown. These multiuser laboratories attract people from many different research areas who have imaging needs. EMF offers a wide range of capabilities for reasonable user fees with individual hands-on training. The EMF is fundamental for structural analyses of different materials, from bulk materials samples to biologicals. Standard sample preparation can be developed on site. Experienced staff assist users with all their requirements. Instruments include:

    • JEOL JEM-2100 Transmission Electron Microscope
    • JEOL JSM-7600 Scanning Electron Microscope
    • Denton Desk V Sputter and Carbon Coater
    • Allied High Tech Mulitprep Precision Polishing System
    • Allied High Tech Low Speed Saw Tech4
    • Leica Ultramicrotome UC7 RT
    • Zeiss Axio Lab.A1 Microscope
    • BioSample Preparation Lab
    • Other ancillary equipment

    See the complete list of WVU Shared Research Facilities instruments and rates at WVU SRF Instrumentation List.

Materials Characterizations Facilities

  • The WVU SRF Materials Characterization Facilities (MCF) offer X-ray diffractometry, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, Raman/FTIR spectroscopy, ellipsometry, and confocal microscopy for identifying materials and investigating their chemical/structural properties. Instruments are located in the Engineering Science Building (ESB) and Engineering Research Building (ERB) on WVU's Evansdale campus, and White Hall (WH) and Chemistry Research Laboratory Building (CRL) on the downtown campus in Morgantown. Our instruments include: 

       X-Ray Diffractometry

    • Bruker D8 Discovery X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) – ERB 211
    • PANalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) – ERB 211


    • Physical Electronics PHI 5000 VersaProbe X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS/UPS) – ESB B62
    • Renishaw InVia Raman Microscope – CRL 381D
    • Digilab FTS 7000/UMA 600 Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectrometer – ERB 211

       Probe Microscopy

    • Nanoscope MultiMode Scanning Probe Microscope (AFM) – ESB B64
    • Asylum MFP-3D Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) – WH B20A


    • J.A. Woollam M-2000U White Light Ellipsometer – ERB 211

    See the complete list of WVU Shared Research Facilities instruments and rates at WVU SRF Instrumentation List.



Anthony DeBastiani,, Interim SRF BioNano Research Facilities Manager

Trieu Nguyen,, SRF Microfabrication Cleanroom(s) Manager 

Marcela Redigolo,, SRF Electron Microscopy Facilities Manager

Qiang Wang,, Interim SRF Director, SRF Materials Characterization Facilities Manager


Location and hours of operation

Bio-Nano Research Facilities Cleanroom  Electron Microscopy Facilities Materials Characterization Facilities
Chemistry Research Lab - Room 381 Engineering Sciences Building Engineering Sciences Building Engineering Sciences Building
100 Prospect Street 1306 Evansdale Dr.  1306 Evansdale Dr.  1306 Evansdale Dr. 
Morgantown, WV 26505 Morgantown, WV 26506 Morgantown, WV 26506 Morgantown, WV 26506
Open 24 Hours per Day/365 Days per Year  |  Staffed Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Open 24 Hours per Day/365 Days per Year  |  Staffed Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Open 24 Hours per Day/365 Days per Year  |  Staffed Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Open 24 Hours per Day/365 Days per Year  |  Staffed Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  White Hall   White Hall
  135 Willey St.    135 Willey St. 
  Morgantown, WV 26506   Morgantown, WV 26506
  Open 24 Hours per Day/365 Days per Year  |  Staffed Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.   Open 24 Hours per Day/365 Days per Year  |  Staffed Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Links and Resources

WVU Shared Research Facilities Website  |  WVU Health Sciences Center Shared Resources 

BioNano Research Facilities (Shared Research Facilities) Homepage  | Cleanroom Facilities (Shared Research Facilities) Homepage  |  

Electron Microscopy Facilities (Shared Research Facilities) Homepage  |  Materials Characterization Facilities (Shared Research Facilities) Homepage



Name Role Phone Email Location
Anthony DeBastiani
SRF BNRF Manager
(304) 293-0747
CRL 381
Trieu Nguyen
SRF Cleanroom Manager
(916) 532-4710
ESB G60, WH 409
Marcela Redigolo
SRF EMF Manager
(304) 293-9683 / (304) 288-7939
Qiang Wang
SRF Director / SRF MCF Manager
(304) 293-9683
ESB G58, WH 211

Service list

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Cleanroom - Facility Usage (1)